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It is strictly prohibited as follows:


6.1 carry to the SAIC International Circuit and/or display in the SAIC International Circuit with any publicity materials with slogans, signs or marks indicating violence, hatred, discrimination, terrorism and prejudice or publicity materials conflicting with commercial benefits of the Event.


6.2 carry any animal to the SAIC International Circuit or parking lot.


6.3 carry any inflammable, explosive, fragile and noisy object, or any other object or device may be used as a weapon to endanger public security, jeopardize others or interfere with the Event to the SAIC International Circuit, including but not limited to knife and tool, fireworks and crackers, pneumatic loudspeaker, Laser device, glassworks and trumpet.


6.4 carry any device or facilities may produce and transmit the carriers infringing on the intellectual property of the Event to the SAIC International SAIC International Circuit.


6.5 gamble or bet in any form on tickets, the Event and its result.


6.6 enter the SAIC International Circuit when a spectator is smoking or drunk or in the period of taking psychotropic medicine.


6.7 smoke not at the specified time or in the specified place, or walk around not according to the area or route indicated on tickets.


6.8 without prior approval, sell goods and provide services (including but not limited to beverages, food, souvenirs and tickets), conduct marketing promoting or any other behaviour or activity not related to the Event in the SAIC International Circuit or any other area controlled by the Event promoter.

6.9 未经许可将赛票、赛事名称或赛事知识产权(含标志、Logo、文字、图案及其组合、缩写或非英文译文等)用于抽奖、广告或其他商业目的以及从事其他侵权行为(如明示或暗示与赛事的关联误导他人等,只有赞助商或获得认可授权的合作伙伴才可将赛票、赛事名称或赛事知识产权用于商业目的)。

6.9 without prior approval, use tickets, the Event name and the Event intellectual properties (including signs, logos, words, graphic images and combinations thereof, abbreviations and non-English translation, etc.) for lottery, advertising or any other commercial purpose and infringement (e.g. express or implied a connection with the Event to mislead others).  Only a sponsor or a partner with prior approval may use tickets, the Event name and the Event intellectual properties for commercial purpose.


6.10 any other behaviour violating laws, public morality and reputation of the Event.


  • 订票热线    400-000-0000
  • 目前仅提供以上业务的电话服务,其他产品请在本网站寻求帮助